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I help entrepreneurs move through resistance >> and transform conflict into insight.

Nigel Wylie is a facilitator and coach specializing in founding team cohesion, transforming conflict into insight. He works with founders and their teams to understand, accept and work through the unconscious patterns/dynamics that keep them from getting what they most want.
Nigel’s multicultural background has led him to work with founding teams in Asia, USA, and Europe. He has facilitated founders and founding teams from 500 Startups, Y-Combinator, IndieBio, Thiel Fellows, NU Garage, Stanford Design as well as technology investors in Silicon Valley & Germany. He is a 3x entrepreneur in environmental technology in the water, remote sensing and waste management space.

What is the most important question for you right now? >>
Coaching works with how you are in the world, how you show up in relationship with others/your business and, most importantly, your relationship with yourself.
Through coaching we seek to integrate the sensing and sense-making components of your human experience and apply insights to improve decision-making, team dynamics, communication, sales, relationships, purpose, accountability and capacity.
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We organize together in order to experience/achieve something that would not be possible otherwise. The way we are and the way we get things done with our team is our culture.
Unspoken needs, judgements and avoiding conflict in your team can undermine the culture you want to create and the real reason for why you come together.
Team coaching is about recognizing where the team is now, what effective culture looks like and working through what gets in the way at the individual and group level.
Understand, Be Understood and Co-create Culture >>
How you deal with conflict is often inviting more of it into your life, wether through business or interpersonal relationships.
The process of resolving conflict can be enlightening, improving the way you relate with yourself and the people you work with.
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